Protect An Acre

Every tree counts in a changing climate.


Whether or not we hear the sound of a felled tree, its absence has a global impact. Every year, billions of trees are cut down, releasing more carbon into the atmosphere and pushing us closer to climate breakdown. This means that every single acre of forest that we protect matters. Conservation International is working worldwide to protect forests so that they can continue to absorb and store carbon and prevent climate change.

Join us, acre by acre, as we shape a future of thriving forests, teeming with life.


Acre by acre

The heat is on
Since the advent of modern temperature data in 1880, eight of the top 10 warmest years on our planet occurred in the last decade — continuing the long-term trend of a rapidly heating Earth.
The cost of inaction
The United Nations estimates that the cost of adapting to climate change will soar to $140 billion to $300 billion per year by 2030, severely impacting coastal communities and countries that have done the least to cause climate change.
Trees of life
Nature can get us at least 30 percent of the way to solving the climate crisis, while also providing a host of additional benefits — filtering fresh water, providing breathable air and providing habitat for wildlife. Even better: Nature can do this today — for free.


It’s Time to Turn Over a New Leaf

Conservation International approaches all our programs with a simple idea: People need nature to thrive. We work shoulder-to-shoulder with local and Indigenous communities in some of the most remote places on Earth, helping them to protect nature and build sustainable livelihoods.

More than a third of the world’s carbon is found on lands managed by Indigenous peoples. We support Indigenous peoples and local communities — stewards of more than 30 percent of the world's remaining natural landscapes — in their efforts to protect their territories.



For just $25, you can protect an acre of forest. Every tree that we protect can make a significant difference for people, climate and wildlife — helping to combat climate change and conserve vital habitats for countless species.