Save a Square Kilometer of Ocean

Our oceans are suffering, but you can help.


Earth’s vast oceans, long viewed as an infinite supply of food and a bottomless repository for our waste, have been pushed to the brink. Now, with sea levels rising and coral reefs dying, our oceans’ ability to support marine life — and us — is at risk. It is time to sound the alarm.


Answering the Call

Conservation International works in 20 countries to sustainably and equitably manage oceans and coasts for the benefit of people and nature. ​Our strategy is threefold: to safeguard the ocean areas on which humans depend, to reinforce and protect depleted wild-catch fisheries, and to reinvigorate degraded coastal ecosystems and restore their ability to mitigate climate change.




You can help protect 1 square kilometer of ocean with a donation of $34. This can protect critical species and the livelihoods of people who depend on the ocean.