BREAKING NEWS: Amazon expedition stuns researchers

Conservation International researchers in Peru have uncovered a wealth of wildlife, including species new to science.

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Social Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Equity in Marine Conservation Impacts

David A. Gill, Samantha H. Cheng, Louise Glew, Ernest Aigner, Nathan J. Bennett, Michael B. Mascia

Annual Review of Environment & Resources, 44, 347-372

July 23, 2019

Biodiversity conservation interventions often aim to benefit both nature and people; however, the social impacts of these interventions remain poorly understood. We reviewed recent literature on the social impacts of four marine conservation interventions to understand the synergies, tradeoffs, and equity (STE) of these impacts, focusing on the direction, magnitude, and distribution of impacts across domains of human wellbeing and across spatial, temporal, and social scales. STE literature has increased dramatically since 2000, particularly for marine protected areas (MPAs), but remains limited. Few studies use rigorous counterfactual study designs, and significant research gaps remain regarding specific wellbeing domains (culture, education), social groups (gender, age, ethnic groups), and impacts over time. Practitioners and researchers should recognize the role of shifting property rights, power asymmetries, individual capabilities, and resource dependency in shaping STE in conservation outcomes, and utilize multi-consequential frameworks to support the wellbeing of vulnerable and marginalized groups.

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Gill, D. A., Cheng, S. H., Glew, L., Aigner, E., Bennett, N. J., & Mascia, M. B. (2019). Social Synergies, Tradeoffs, and Equity in Marine Conservation Impacts. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 44(1), 347–372. doi:10.1146/annurev-environ-110718-032344