setembro 20, 2024

Brasília, September 19, 2024 – Conservation International (CI-Brazil) was appointed on Wednesday (18) to join the National Biodiversity Commission (CONABIO). A seat in the body was held by the CI-Brasil, leading issues related to the Amazon. Connected to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA), CONABIO brings together representatives from government agencies and civil society and plays a crucial role in the development and implementation of policies for the conservation, management, and restoration of Brazil's biomes. 

"The appointment of CI-Brazil to CONABIO represents a significant step in integrating civil society into the formulation of public policies for biodiversity, as well as recognizing our important work over more than 30 years in the Amazon. Within the Commission, we will support strategies and policies that not only conserve but also restore and enhance the biodiversity of our country, focusing on the well-being of people," says Mauricio Bianco, Vice President of CI-Brasil. 

Conservation International has been active in the Amazon for over 30 years, during which it conducted the first workshop to define priority areas for biodiversity conservation. Since then, the organization has dedicated itself to conserving and valuing forests, the livelihoods of local communities and Indigenous peoples, and restoring landscapes. 


The National Biodiversity Commission is the collegiate body of the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MMA) responsible for discussing and implementing actions to fulfill the country's commitments under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), such as the action plans of the National Strategy and Action Plans for Biodiversity (EPANB), aligned with the global biodiversity goals of Kunming-Montreal (GBF). 

The commission and its members are responsible for identifying and proposing priority areas and actions for research, conservation, and sustainable management of biodiversity, as well as implementing commitments made by Brazil at the global level. 


Contatos para imprensa

Inaê Brandão – Coordenadora de Comunicação
Tel: +55-95-98112-0262