Projects List
CI GEF Project
The boundaries and territory/country names shown on this map do not imply endorsement or acceptance by Conservation International or its partners, and are for reference purposes only.
Structuring and Launching CRAFT: the First Private Sector Climate Resilience & Adaptation Fund for Developing Countries
To establish and mobilize resources for the Climate Resilience and Adaptation Finance & Technology Transfer Facility (CRAFT), the first private sector climate resilience and adaptation investment fund and technical assistance facility for developing countries, consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement
GEF Project ID: 9941
Countries: Global
Focal Area: Climate Change
Approval Date: 11/14/2017
Project Status: Closed
Period: GEF-6
Executing Agency: Lightsmith Group LLC
NGI: Non-Grant Instrument
GEF Total Grant: USD $1,045,000
Cofinancing Total: USD $1,631,622
Contact Information: Orissa Samaroo
Project Website: GEF-Secretariat Project Link

© Art Wolfe/
Project Documents
One-Step MSP
- One-Step MSP
Safeguard Plans
- Safeguard Plans
- Implementation
Project Close-Out
- No documents available