Projects List

Yellow map marker identifying Conservation International office locations around the worldCI GEF Project

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Projects List

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Project Name Project ID Regions Status
Building a Climate-Resilient and Sustainable Shea Landscape of Northern Uganda 11701 Uganda Concept Approved
Fostering Water Security and Catchment Resilience in Uganda’s Cattle Corridor 11696 Uganda Concept Approved
MEx30x30: Conserving Mexican biodiversity through communities and their protected areas 11510 Mexico Project Approved
Strengthening the Capacity of Institutions in Uganda to Comply with the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement (CBIT Phase II) 11515 Uganda Project Approved
Integrated management and ecological connectivity of a priority landscape in the Ecuadorian Amazon headwaters 11202 Ecuador Concept Approved
Strengthening conservation and effective governance of Liberia’s critical forests in the Northwest Liberia Landscape 11144 Liberia Under Implementation
Strengthening Ecosystem Restoration Investments in Madagascar 11139 Madagascar Concept Approved
Union for Restoration - Enabling large-scale restoration through national policy in Brazil (GEF-PROVEG) 11124 Brazil Concept Approved
Strengthening conservation and effective governance of Sierra Leone’s critical forests in the Gola Forest Landscape 11143 Sierra Leone Concept Approved
ORIGEN: Restoring Watersheds for Ecosystems and Communities 11121 Mexico Under Implementation
Beyond 30x30: Securing resilience in the Eastern Tropical Pacific through enhanced transboundary cooperation 11267 Regional PIF Approved
Guinean Forests Integrated Program 11142 Regional Concept Approved
Ecosystem Restoration Integrated Program 11118 Global Under Implementation
Enhancing the formalization and Mercury reduction in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) in Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone GOLD+) 10838 Sierra Leone Under Implementation
Building the next generation LDN investment pipeline through national Technical Assistance Hubs 11006 Global Under Implementation
The Selva Fund 10937 Regional Concept Approved
Business Action and Advocacy for the Planet 10930 Global Under Implementation
The Systems Change Lab (SCL): Accelerating Transformational Change Needed to Safeguard the Global Commons for All 10923 Global Under Implementation
Building climate resilience in supply chains for the mobilization of adaptation funding 10934 Regional Project Approved
Scaling Up CRAFT: Mobilizing Private Capital to Mitigate Climate Change and Reduce Land Degradation through Cleantech Solutions 10765 Global Closed
Strengthening and Sustaining the Coastal Resource and Fisheries Management in the Leyte Gulf 10738 Philippines Project Approved
Management of Indonesian and Timor-Leste Transboundary Watersheds (MITLTW) 10679 Regional Under Implementation
Build back a blue and stronger Mediterranean 10685 Regional Under Implementation
Philippine Rise Integrated Conservation for Enduring Legacies through Ecosystem Support Services (PRICELESS) 10568 Concept Approved
Safeguarding Marine & Terrestrial Biodiversity in Fiji (SAMBIO) 10675 Fiji Concept Approved
Strengthen Management and Climate Change Resilience in Angola's Conservation Areas for Sustainable Development 10505 Angola Under Implementation
Strengthening capacity of institutions in The Gambia to meet transparency requirements of the Paris Agreement 10485 Gambia Under Implementation
The Fashion Pact 10658 Global Closed
Adaptation Accelerator Program: Building Climate Resilience through Enterprise Acceleration 10435 Regional Under Implementation
Strengthening the Capacity of​ Institutions in Uganda to Comply with the ​​Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement 9814 Uganda Closed
Strengthening the Capacity of Institutions in Rwanda to Implement the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement 9997 Rwanda Under Implementation
Securing the long-term conservation of Timor-Leste’s biodiversity and ecosystem services through the establishment of a functioning National Protected Area Network and the improvement of natural resource management in priority catchment corridor-TLSNAP 9434 Timor-Leste Under Implementation
Maintaining and increasing carbon stocks in agro-silvopastoral systems in rural communities of the Selva El Ocote Biosphere Reserve as a climate change mitigation strategy (Chiapas,Mexico) 5751 Mexico Closed
Building and strengthening Madagascar’s national capacity to implement the transparency elements of the Paris Agreement 9948 Madagascar Closed
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Northwestern Landscape (Boeny region) - Madagascar 9606 Madagascar Closed
Building and Strengthening Liberia’s National Capacity to Implement the Transparency Elements of the Paris Climate Agreement 9923 Liberia Closed
Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in priority landscapes of Oaxaca and Chiapas 9445 Mexico Under Implementation
Innovative Use of a Voluntary Payment for Environmental Services Scheme to Avoid and Reduce GHG Emissions and Enhance Carbon Stocks in the Highly Threatened Dry Chaco Forest Complex in Western Paraguay 5668 Paraguay Closed
Blue Abadi Fund 9129 Indonesia Closed
Improve Sustainability of Mangrove Forests and Coastal Mangrove Areas in Liberia through Protection, Planning and Livelihood Creation- as a Building Block Towards Liberia’s Marine and Coastal Protected Areas 5712 Liberia Closed
(NGI) The Meloy Fund : A Fund for Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries in Southeast Asia 9370 Regional Project Approved
Strengthening National Institutions in Kenya to Meet the Transparency Requirements of the Paris Agreement and Sharing Best Practices in the East Africa Region 9674 Kenya Closed
Reducing deforestation from palm oil and cocoa value chains 10232 Liberia Under Implementation
China's Protected Area System Reform (C-PAR) 9403 China Concept Approved
IAS Galapagos 9282 Ecuador Closed
Conservation and Sustainable use of Liberia’s Coastal Natural Capital 9573 Liberia Under Implementation
A supply chain approach to eliminating mercury in Guyana's ASGM sector: El Dorado Gold Jewelry – Made In Guyana 9602 Guyana Under Implementation
Implementation of the Strategic Plan of Ecuador Mainland Marine and Coastal Protected Areas Network 9369 Ecuador Closed
Long-term financial mechanism to enhance Mediterranean MPA management effectiveness 9959 Regional Under Implementation
Setting the foundations for zero net loss of the mangroves that underpin human wellbeing in the North Brazil Shelf LME 9949 Regional Closed
Enabling the use of global data sources to assess and monitor land degradation at multiple scales 9163 Global Closed
Adaptation SME Accelerator Project (ASAP) 10296 Global Under Implementation
Staying within Sustainable Limits: Advancing leadership of the private sector and cities 10309 Global Project Approved
The Food Securities Fund: A fund to finance sustainable supply chains at scale in Emerging Markets 10322 Global Under Implementation
Blue Nature Alliance to expand and improve conservation of 1.25 billion hectares of ocean ecosystems 10375 Global Concept Approved
Global Opportunities for Long-term Development of artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) Sector Plus - GEF GOLD + 10569 Global Concept Approved
The deployment of EarthRanger, a data visualization and analysis software to strengthen Protected Area Management Effectiveness in Africa's National Parks 10551 Botswana, Mozambique, Republic of Congo Under Implementation
Inclusive Conservation Initiative 10404 Global Project Approved
AGRI3 A Forest Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture Fund for Developing Countries 10497 Global Under Implementation
Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3 (LCF3) 10500 Global Concept Approved
Spatial Planning for Protected Areas in Response to Climate Change (SPARC) 5810 Global Closed
Structuring and Launching CRAFT: the First Private Sector Climate Resilience & Adaptation Fund for Developing Countries 9941 Global Closed
Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management in Priority Socio Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS) 5784 Global Closed
Effectively Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Government Policy and Private Sector Practice Piloting Sustainability Models to Take the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) to Scale 5735 Global Closed
Regional capacity building of COMESA member states in Eastern and Southern Africa for enhanced transparency in Climate Change Monitoring, Reporting and Verification as defined in the Paris Agreement. 10093 Eritrea, Seychelles, The Comoros, Zambia Under Implementation
Strengthening Land Degradation Neutrality data and decision-making through free and open access platforms 10230 Global Concept Approved
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