Capacity Support
Community Mapping, Life Plan Creation, and Climate Specific Training
- Funding Opportunities
- Capacity Support — Indigenous Women, Youth, Emerging Leaders, and Fellowship Opportunities
- Capacity Support — Policy and Indigenous Rights
- Capacity Support — Community Mapping, Life Plan Creation, and Climate Specific Training
- Capacity Support — English Language Learning
Global Forest Watch
Overview: Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online platform that provides data and tools for monitoring forests. By harnessing cutting-edge technology, GFW allows anyone to access near real-time information about where and how forests are changing the world.
Related Program Funding Opportunity: Applications for the 2025 grant cycle are currently closed: The Small Grants Fund provides financial and technical support to organizations around the world to use Global Forest Watch's tools and data to turn forest monitoring information into action
Global Forest Watch Tools
- Forest Watcher: this mobile app brings the dynamic online forest monitoring and alert systems of Global Forest Watch offline and into the field.
Global Forest Watch Open Data Portal
Global Forest Watch & World Resources Institute (WRI) Tools
- Global Forest Review: provides insights generated from the best available geospatial data and analysis to support the global community working to protect and restore forests worldwide
- MapBuilder: this is an easy-to-use tool for creating customized interactive maps that combine the cutting-edge spatial data of WRI with your own data
Re-wild & Rewilding Academy
Re-wild: Re:wild launched in 2021 combining more than three decades of conservation impact by Leonardo DiCaprio and Global Wildlife Conservation. Re:wild protects and restores our planet’s irreplaceable laces. Re:wild works with both funders and partners on the ground. Re:wild’s collaborative approach enables them to scale impact through the replication and amplification of proven solutions, and to act quickly where need meets opportunity. Learn more about Re-wild
Rewilding Academy: The Rewilding Academy is dedicated to building capacity in rewilding and ecosystem restoration. At the core of the mission is a commitment to support local and landscape-scale restoration programs across the world.
Learn more about the Rewilding Academy
Territorial Governance Mechanism (TGM)
Overview: The Territorial Governance Mechanism (MGT) is an initiative of technical and financial accompaniment to indigenous territories and local communities in their various needs and demands to strengthen their governance (political, economic, territorial and cultural), this being its main purpose.
Pilot Territories: There are currently six pilot territories corresponding to the areas of the three indigenous partner organizations of the MGT, their selection being based on the autonomy and self-determination of the partner organizations, which selected these territories autonomously and within the framework of their own processes.
Programs of the Territorial Governance Mechanism
Learn more about the Territorial Governance Mechanism here.
PROAmazonia & Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Global Environment Fund (GEF)
Overview: PROAmazonia is the Amazonian Integral Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production Program. It is an initiative led by the Ministry of Water and Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock with support from the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP. This national government programme links national efforts to reduce deforestation with the priority agendas and policies of the country’s economic sectors. PROAmazonia strengthens Ecuador’s positioning as a country committed to global efforts to combat climate change, the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Life Plan Resource:
Territorial Development and Management Plans (PDOT): these are planning tools for provincial, cantonal and parochial Decentralized Autonomous Governments (GADs) that contain key decisions for the improvement of life in balance with the natural environment