Quizzes about nature
Further questioning
Endangered Species Quiz
More than 40,000 species currently face extinction — and habitat destruction is one of the leading causes of species loss. How much do you know about where endangered species live?
Shark Identification Quiz
From great whites to tigers, there are more than 500 species of sharks in the world. How many can you name?
Carbon Footprint Quiz
Let’s walk through a hypothetical day — from your morning workout to your evening entertainment — and see if you can identify which choices yield the smallest carbon footprint.
What Are Groups of Animals Called?
A leap of leopards. A prickle of porcupines. Test your knowledge of the many peculiar names for gatherings of different animals.
Animal Quiz: Pair Up or Play the Field?
For some species, monogamy doesn’t come naturally. Test your knowledge of animal love!
Do You Know Joe? The Coffee Quiz
Take this quiz to get a peek behind the beans and test yourself on how well you really know your coffee.
A Match Made in Nature
Need a valentine? Mother Nature's got your perfect fit. Take our quiz to find your match made in nature.
Personality quizzes
What Kind of Bee Are You?
Are you a leader or a follower? Assertive or diplomatic? Take this buzzworthy personality quiz and find out which species of bee you most resemble.
What Kind of Shark Are You?
For people like us, every week is Shark Week. Take this fin-tastic personality quiz and unleash your inner shark!
What Force of Nature Are You?
Mother Nature is calling. Take this quiz and found out what she thinks about you.