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Rapid Assessment Program

Leading the charge to discover, describe and protect nature


The earth’s ecosystems comprise millions of species and underpin the well-being of all human societies. Knowledge about these ecosystems is our strongest tool to ensure the future of life on our planet — yet much of the natural world remains poorly known and unexplored.


Our role

Conservation International's Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) works to fill this void. RAP, founded in 1990, sends teams of experts on short expeditions into critically ​important field sites around the world. Experts at these sites evaluate the state of a region's biodiversity, the health of its ecosystems and the multiple benefits that nature provides to people. By doing so, RAP provides information that can guide effective decision-making about conservation.


Our plan

Today, RAP is evolving and expanding its scope. Building on the program’s legacy of discovering and assessing species, our strategy for RAP now integrates our understanding of the vital links among biodiversity, healthy ecosystems and human societies.

RAP surveys help provide the scientific foundation to:

  • Design and create effective protected areas
  • Work with communities to develop community-based conservation initiatives
  • Assess, monitor, minimize and/or offset negative environmental and social impacts of major infrastructure and extractive projects
  • Assess ecosystem vulnerability to climate change
  • Support sustainable management of wild food sources (e.g., fish, bushmeat) and other ecosystem services (e.g., fresh water)
  • Monitor environmental health and the status of threatened species
  • Train the next generation of scientists and conservationists
  • Engage and inform stakeholders, policymakers and the public

By the Numbers

20 million hectares

RAP has supported the creation, expansion and improved management of more than 20 million hectares (nearly 50 million acres) of marine and terrestrial protected areas — in addition to the discovery of more than 1,400 species new to science.


Standard field research takes years, but political leaders will not usually wait that long to make decisions affecting the most biologically important areas of Earth. RAP gathers relevant scientific information quickly enough to aid in protecting such places from irreversible damage that can occur on a very short time scale.

Murray Gell-Mann
Professor, Santa Fe Institute, and 1969 Nobel Prize recipient


What we measure

We work in rivers, rainforests, coral reefs and many other habitats around the world, often in remote, unexplored regions. RAP combines field surveys (usually lasting 2-4 weeks) that utilize cost-effective, standardized methods, innovative technologies and state-of-the-art analysis and planning. Recognizing that conserving biodiversity is fundamental to maintaining healthy ecosystems and the services that nature provides to people, we measure:



We measure biodiversity attributes such as:

  • species richness and abundance;
  • species new to science;
  • threatened and endemic species;
  • indicator, keystone and flagship species; and
  • species important to human livelihoods.

Ecosystem health and services

We also measure ecosystem health and services, including:

  • habitat diversity, quality and structure (e.g., forest intactness, coral health);
  • wild food, medicines, building materials and other provisioning services;
  • water quality and flow;
  • watershed connectivity; and
  • forest carbon stocks.

Socio-economic, cultural and sustainable management data

Finally, we collect social and cultural data such as:

  • the demography, livelihoods and needs of local communities;
  • threats to natural resources; and
  • options for sustainable management.
Toad found in RAP in Bolivia
© Trond Larsen

Timely, mobile science at scale

RAP provides the mobile, flexible and cost-effective tool required to generate the scientific data needed to protect nature and its benefits to people. RAP provides field data needed for conservation planning at the local to regional scale where many threats occur. In these cases, existing data and global datasets are sparse and insufficient. RAP also provides quick yet highly-informative descriptions of the ecological and social values of specific and often unknown areas, placing them within a global context to guide conservation priorities and improve conservation investments. The rapid nature of these assessments is intended to provide the information necessary to catalyze conservation action within a timeframe suited to decision-makers.


RAP expert scientists act as an ecological SWAT team to accurately assess the biodiversity and health of an ecosystem in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

Peter Seligmann
Conservation International Chairman of the Board


RAP report archive


RAP 1 
Alto Madidi, Bolivia, 1990

Cordillera de la Costa, Ecuador, 1992

RAP 3 
Columbia River Forest Reserve, Belize, 1993

Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 1993

Kanuku Mountain Region, Guyana, 1993

Tambopata-Candamo Reserved Zone, Peru, 1994

Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador and Peru, 1997

South Central Chuquisaca, Bolivia, 1997

Lakekamu Basin, Papua New Guinea, 1998

RAP 10
Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado, Bolivia, 1998

RAP 11
Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea, 1998

RAP 12
Cordillera de Vilcabamba, Peru, 2001

RAP 13
Parc National de la Marahoué, Côte d'Ivoire, 1999

RAP 14
Northwestern Irian Jaya, Indonesia, 2000

RAP 15
Upper Río Orthon Basin, Pando, Bolivia, 1999

RAP 16
Laguna del Tigre National Park, Petén, Guatemala, 2000

RAP 17
Calamianes Islands, Philippines, 2000

RAP 18
Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil, 2000

RAP 19
Río Paraguay Basin, Alto Paraguay, Paraguay, 2001

RAP 20
Togean and Banggai Islands, Sulawesi, Indonesia, 2001

RAP 21
Southern New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, 2001

RAP 22
Raja Ampat Islands, Indonesia, 2002

RAP 23
Réserve Naturelle Intégrale d’Ankarafantsika, Madagascar, 2002

RAP 24
Pampas del Heath, Perú; Alto Madidi, Bolivia; Pando, Bolivia, 2002

RAP 25
Yongsu - Cyclops Mountains and the Southern Mamberamo Basin, Papua, Indonesia, 2002

RAP 26
Eastern Kanuku Mountains, Lower Kwitaro River, Guyana, 2002

RAP 27
Okavango Delta, Botswana, 2003

RAP 28
Aquatic Ecosystems of the Caura River Basin, Bolívar State, Venezuela, 2003

RAP 29
Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea—Survey II, 2003

RAP 30
Ecosistemas Acuáticos en la Confluencia de los ríos Orinoco y Ventuari, Estado Amazonas (Venezuela), 2006

RAP 31
Coral Reefs of Northwest Madagascar, 2005

RAP 32
Mantadia-Zahamena corridor, Madagascar, 2005

RAP 33
Aquatic Ecosystems of the Pastaza River Basin, Ecuador and Perú, 2005

RAP 34
Two Classified Forests in South-Western Côte d’Ivoire, 2005

RAP 35
Forêt Classée du Pic de Fon, Simandou Range, South-eastern Republic of Guinea, 2004

RAP 36
Draw River, Boi-Tano, Tano Nimiri and Krokosua Hills forest reserves, Ghana, 2005

RAP 37
Orinoco Delta and the Gulf of Paria, Venezuela, 2004

RAP 38
Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, 2005

RAP 39
Coppename River Basin, Suriname, 2006

RAP 40
Three Classified Forests in Southeastern Guinea, 2006

RAP 41
Boké Préfecture, Northwestern Guinea, 2006

RAP 42
Mont Panié, Province Nord, Nouvelle Calédonie, 2006

RAP 43
Lely and Nassau Plateaus, Suriname, 2007

RAP 44
North Lorma, Gola and Grebo National Forests, Liberia, 2007

RAP 45
Kaijende Highlands, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, 2007

RAP 46
Lokutu, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007

RAP 47
Atewa Range Forest Reserve, Ghana, 2007

RAP 48
Tumucumaque Mountains National Park, Amapá, Brazil, 2008

RAP 49
La Cuenca Alta del Río Paragua, Estado Bolívar, Venezuela, 2008

RAP 50
Ajenjua Bepo and Mamang River Forest Reserves, Ghana, 2008

RAP 51
Konashen Community Owned Conservation Area, Guyana, 2008

RAP 52
Mountains of Southwest China Hotspot, China, 2009

RAP 53
Coral Reefs of the Northwest Lagoon, New Caledonia, 2009

RAP 55
Los Ecosistemas Acuáticos de la Cuenca Alta del Río Cuyuní, Guayana Venezolana, 2009

RAP 56
Ramal Calderas, Venezuela, 2010

RAP 57
Nakauvadra Range, Ra Province, Fiji, 2009

RAP 58
La Cuenca Alta del Río Nangaritza, Cordillera del Cóndor, Ecuador, 2011

RAP 59
Nakorotubu Range, Ra and Tailevu Provinces, Fiji, 2009

RAP 60
Nakanai Mountains and the upper Strickland Basin, Papua New Guinea, 2011

RAP 61
Coral Reefs of Northeast Madagascar, 2011

RAP 62
Northeastern Lagoon from Touho to Ponérihouen, New Caledonia, 2011

RAP 63
Kwamalasamutu region, Southwestern Suriname, 2011

RAP 64
Bali Marine Rapid Assessment, 2011

RAP 65
Mt. Panié and Roches de la Ouaième region, New Caledonia, 2013

RAP 66
Timor-Leste, 2013

RAP 67
Upper Palumeu River Watershed, Suriname, 2013

RAP 70
Chawi Grande, Bolivia, 2018

RAP 72
Ciudad del Jaguar, Honduras, 2019

RAP 73
Alto Mayo Landscape, San Martín, Peru, 2024