Conservation International Singapore© Conservation International/ photo by Christian Ching
Singapore is a wealthy city-state with a thriving global financial hub. Despite its success, Singapore still faces sustainability challenges. And, like many coastal cities and low-lying islands, it is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
Staying true to its identity as a ‘city in nature’, Singapore aims to become the world’s greenest city. Conservation International is partnering with the private sector, educational institutions, and individuals to help ensure Singapore’s status as a green and biodiverse city.
About us
Our focus
Conservation International’s global mission is to empower people to protect our most fundamental needs, such as food, water, and a stable climate for the benefit of all life on Earth.
Building upon a strong foundation of science, partnerships and field demonstration, we help societies responsibly and sustainably care for nature and our global biodiversity for the well-being of humanity.
In Singapore, we are providing environmental education, university internships, and direct support to conservation science and research. Additionally, our partnerships with the private and civil sectors encourage environmental responsibility and sustainability.
Our history
Conservation International was first established in Singapore in 2009 to serve as a regional office for our Asia-Pacific Field Division. Our local entity, Conservation International Singapore Conservation Trust (CSCT), was later established to further the vision and mission of Conservation International, focusing on benefitting Singapore through environmental education programs, university internships, research, and partnerships to further conservation efforts.
In 2017, CSCT received the Institute of Public Character (IPC) status which allows tax benefits to Singapore donors. This is a testament to our local engagement efforts in serving the community in Singapore. CSCT is committed to expanding our work locally to boost Singapore’s status as a conservation hub, to engage corporations on business sustainability, and to expand the education program.
We need nature
Nature is life: Every breath you take, every drop you drink, every bite you eat — it all comes from nature. Here’s how Conservation International works to protect it.
Innovation in science and finance
We produce and apply science-based evidence to promote nature-based development, while working to make nature a viable and attractive investment. We do this by creating conservation tools that decision-makers need; publishing policy-relevant research; and attracting private capital for protecting nature.
Expanding Planet-Positive Economies
We promote self-sustaining, conservation-based economies in areas with the most importance for people and nature. We do this with self-sustaining, scalable conservation models that can be adapted from one country to another by focusing on large ecological systems that we call landscapes and seascapes.
Conserving our oceans
We seek to double the world’s ocean area under protection while innovating new ways to sustain marine fisheries. We do this by helping countries secure and monitor their waters; enabling the inclusion of coastal habitats in climate policies; and disrupting damaging practices in the seafood sector.
Protecting nature for climate
We protect forests that absorb and store critical carbon by working with businesses and governments to account for their impacts on forests; enabling private investment in forest protection initiatives; and helping local and indigenous communities protect forests on their lands.
Support us
Join the thousands who have stepped up to protect nature. Make a donation to Conservation International Singapore Conservation Trust (CSCT).
Conservation International Singapore Conservation Trust is an organization approved by the Commissioner of Charities bearing the Institution of Public Character (IPC) status.
Our programs
Programs and partnerships
Conservation International’s work in Singapore is focused on education, community engagement and training the next generation of conservationists primarily through our schools program and university internships. Learn more.
Conservation finance
We collaborate across sectors to address conservation challenges, protect biodiversity, and to provide thought leadership on natural climate solutions. From cutting-edge science, to carbon financing and conservation trust funds, we seek out meaningful partnerships that help solve the climate crisis and create a cleaner, healthier planet. Learn more.