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Lau Seascape awarded US$ 6.5M

© Conservation International/photo by Hayley Baillie

BHP has awarded CI a grant of approximately US$ 6.5 million over five-years to implement its pioneering Seascape Approach in Fiji through the Lau Seascape Initiative.

The Seascape Approach is a framework for countries, communities, and the private sector to improve marine and coastal protections and support a resilient ocean economy through the sustainable use of resources, improved livelihoods and ocean health.

The initiative will ensure that the Lau Seascape is zoned and sustainably co-managed at scale by Indigenous communities and government, delivering a global model for effective protection of nature, culture, and sustainable development through improved market access of natural resources, tourism and sustainable financing in the ocean economy.

The Lau Seascape aims to protect Lau’s biodiversity and ecosystems, promote climate resilience and adaptation, and help Fiji achieve its ambitious national marine protection and management goals. With support from CI, the Lau Seascape Strategy outlines the vision and goals of Lau’s traditional leaders, uniting a broad range of stakeholders from local communities, to the government of Fiji, as well as private sector and non-governmental organizations.

Most recently at the UN Oceans Conference, the Fijian Government declared they will protect 30% of the Lau Seascape, effectively using Lau to deliver a working example of their national pledge to protect 30% of their ocean area by 2030 (30x30).


Once established, these marine protected areas will provide Fiji, and the world, with a proof of concept – demonstrating how protecting 30% and sustainably managing 100% of an ocean area can benefit local livelihoods, increase resilience to climate change, safeguard biodiversity and strengthen the economy. The Lau Seascape is the most remote island group in Fiji, home to remarkable biodiversity and stunning ecosystems that provide food, cultural value, and livelihoods for its 9,600 inhabitants. Facing immense threats to their environment and culture that mirror challenges across the world, the customary leaders of Lau, with support from the government and partners, have committed to protect their ocean home for current and future generations. This historic moment is made possible thanks to the bold leadership of the Fijian Government together with the customary leaders and people of Lau, who have collectively built the Lau Seascape Initiative since 2013, with the support of multiple civil society partners. The announcement by Hon. Bainimarama signifies the collective will of Pacific peoples and their governments to protect and sustainably manage their oceans at all costs, against the impacts of climate change.