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The Power of Collaboration: Transforming Lives in Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake

In the heart of Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake region, the team from our Cambodia office has been making waves of positive change. In just four years, 15 fishing communities spanning Kampong Thom and Pursat provinces have experienced positive transformation, benefiting nearly 8,000 people, half of whom are women.

The Fisheries and Families Resilience Building Model Project in Tonle Sap received grant funding from Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP). The collaboration with the leadership and guidance of the Program Officer, Ms Shelly Shreffler, has had a profound impact on the communities in the area. The project has enabled these communities to develop sustainable management plans for their fisheries, ensuring their long-term prosperity.

As a result, the Community Fisheries Committees are now better equipped to make fisheries more sustainable while improving, and they have established strong partnerships with local leaders and stakeholders who care about this work. The high yield has increased fish sales and income for the women. At the same time, savings groups have expanded, offering opportunities for new businesses such as fish and chicken rearing, fish trading and setting up a grocery store. Furthermore, these funds have enabled the community to learn new skills, resulting in improved fish product quality and optimized pricing. Additionally, the project has facilitated the adoption of innovative technology like smart patrol applications and a daily fish catch monitoring tool.

While Shelly's focus at MACP has now shifted to other regions, her indelible legacy continues to shape the Tonle Sap project's vision. The team from the Cambodia office continues to support the community in safeguarding the health of this vital ecosystem, ensuring the well-being of the communities who depend on it. The success of the Fisheries and Families Resilience Building Model has caught the attention of key government stakeholders, and the plan is to widely replicate it in other regions on the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong.

As we anticipate the promising future ahead, we wanted to pause and extend our heartfelt thanks to Shelly for her leadership and dedication.