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Transboundary Nature Park: A Collaborative Vision For Indonesia and Timor-Leste

© Konservasi Indonesia/Hanggar Prasetio

His Excellency Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, shared in a speech at The Archipelagic Island States Forum in Bali, Indonesia, on 10-11 October 2023, his nation’s plan to establish a Transboundary Nature Park with neighbouring Indonesia to safeguard shared natural resources and ensure the well-being of local communities in both countries. 

The Nature Park is envisioned to address several critical objectives.

First, it seeks to conserve and safeguard transboundary marine biodiversity, protecting diverse ecosystems and species.

Second, the initiative aims to promote sustainable fisheries practices, fostering the responsible utilization of marine resources to support both environmental health and the livelihoods of coastal communities.

Additionally, the Nature Park intends to play a key role in combating illegal fishing activities, contributing to the overall maritime security of the region. Further, it aspires to enhance connectivity among people residing in transboundary islands, fostering collaboration and shared stewardship of the marine environment.

Last, the initiative endeavours to establish a unified approach to managing marine resources, encouraging coordinated efforts to address challenges and maximize the positive impact on nature and communities.

Over the past few years, Conservation International and Konservasi Indonesia have facilitated discussions with the respective governments to initiate collaborative management. This includes the design of a Blue Economy that balances community production needs with ecosystem protection. We are also supporting the planning of the Transboundary Marine Protected Area, emphasising building local understanding and capacity, especially among youth. Additional efforts involve mapping biodiversity, understanding migratory species movements, and establishing legal foundations for the Nature Park.

Related to this, the initiative to enhance transboundary watershed management is progressing well. This initiative aims to benefit the Nature Peace Park by reducing sedimentation, minimizing upper land degradation, and addressing coastal degradation in Nature Park areas.