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Unlocking the Secrets of Lau Seascape's Wildlife With eDNA

© Conservation International/photo by Katie Vogelheim

Thanks to a generous US $400,000 grant from BHP, Conservation International is taking bold steps to further study Lau Seascape's biodiversity. Our Environmental DNA (eDNA) study is set to transform our knowledge and understanding of marine species such as fish, corals and invertebrates.

But what exactly is eDNA? It's the tiny traces of genetic material that living creatures leave behind as they move through water or soil. This innovative research is not just about science, but it is about bringing communities together to help us collect this vital data. By doing so, we are creating a tool to catalog and build a robust database of the diverse biodiversity in the Lau province.

This newfound knowledge not only enriches our understanding of biodiversity but also guides the conservation decisions of local communities. With eDNA, we can identify high-productivity areas, helping us protect the precious ecosystems that support both nature and people.