Gender Equality Policy


Conservation International (CI) is dedicated to fostering an inclusive workplace that promotes equitable conservation programming and ensures leadership accountability. CI recognizes that the advancement of the rights of women and gender non-conforming people is critical to achieving effective and durable conservation outcomes. The purpose of this Gender Equality Policy is to define and communicate clear commitments to respond to gender-based disparities, discrimination and biases both within our organization and our programming. It is aligned with CI's Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy, which prohibits discrimination based on sex, gender identity and expression.



This policy applies to all of CI's work, including place-based projects, partnerships, policy advocacy, communications, institutional and internal operations, and CI initiatives. This policy should also be used in coordination with and guided by CI's Safeguards System, which looks to avoid or minimize adverse social impacts our work may have and enhance positive impacts to the maximum extent possible. This policy applies to all CI employees, interns, fellows, volunteers and representatives (jointly, "CI Staff"), as well as CI grantees/awardees, contractors, suppliers, consultants, and their employees, sub-grantees/awardees and representatives (jointly, "Delivery Partners") engaged by CI.



Our gender approach is grounded in recognizing that specific actions are required to address the systemic marginalization of women and gender non-conforming people in environmental conservation efforts. CI also appreciates that societal and gender norms vary and are changing, and that understanding the context in which we operate is critical to achieving our goals. This policy is underpinned by the following principles:

  • Equality as a right: Gender equality is an essential component of CI's Rights-based Approach and critical to achieving CI's commitments. Internally, this means ensuring that all our human resources policies, practices and processes are developed with a lens of gender equality. In our conservation programming, this means proactive identification and response to gender disparities and advancing opportunities to close gender gaps.
  • Inclusivity: CI recognizes that gender is varied and that terms and definitions related to gender and sexuality continue to evolve. Our gender approach is inclusive of people of all genders.
  • Intersectionality: Gender inequality is not a standalone characteristic; it intersects with other forms of discrimination and oppression (such as age, citizenship, disability, economic or educational background) that result in a diversity of experiences, knowledge, priorities, needs and interests.
  • Allyship: Successfully addressing gender inequality involves everyone. All people, of all genders, are encouraged to be fully engaged in supporting and promoting gender equality to meaningfully shift gender-discriminatory social norms both within our offices and in programming. This includes speaking out when discriminatory behaviors occur and through the setting and execution of goals that include a gender perspective.
  • Transparency and Accountability: CI recognizes that this policy's success and full implementation of the operational and programmatic activities require the involvement and commitment of all CI Staff and Delivery Partners. Regular reporting to CI staff is scheduled, the policy is publicly available, and the process to report inconsistencies with the policy is clear and accessible. Given the cross-cutting nature of this policy, implementation and monitoring are done in a collaborative and decentralized way.

All CI Staff and Delivery Partners are required to report any discrimination, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, sexual harassment or violations of this policy to CI. Individuals may report concerns on a confidential basis via CI's online Ethics Hotline or as provided in CI's Accountability and Grievance Mechanism.



Our gender approach is integrated across all of CI's work. Within our internal operations, this includes the following:

  • Tracking of gender metrics in staffing, recruitment, advancement, retention, and professional learning.
  • Reviewing of pay equity to redress inequality in gender metrics.
  • Continuing a transition toward gender-equal benefits, where legally possible
  • Conducting consistent training on workplace ethics, anti-discrimination, prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment, and gender equality.
  • Where feasible and legal, encouraging and supporting efforts that address social barriers and disadvantages that hinder women and gender non-conforming people from having equal access.
  • Where feasible and legal, encouraging and supporting efforts aimed to provide equal employment opportunities for women and gender non-conforming people.
  • Leveraging new and existing internal and external communication opportunities to reinforce and promote gender sensitivity.

Within programs and projects, and as clarified in the CI Environmental and Social Management Framework, all programming includes:

  • An intersectional gender analysis/assessment that describes the gender-related gaps, risks, and opportunities within the context of the project or program.
  • A gender action plan that identifies specific approaches and activities to avoid risks, advances gender equality, monitors implementation, and assigns responsibility and resources for implementation.
  • Screening and response measures for gender-related programmatic risks including gender-based violence, SEAH (Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment), and gender-specific livelihood impacts.
  • Contribution to CI's key gender result areas: 1) generating equitable and meaningful socio-economic benefits for women, 2) enhancing women's influence and leadership in conservation governance and decision-making, and 3) increasing equitable access to, and control over, natural resources.
  • A project gender tag that classifies the project's gender ambition (empower, benefit, reach, none).