

Thanks for visiting us. Below you can see the open calls:



CONSULTANCY: “Training & Mentorship in Dutch Language for Granman of the Trio Indigenous People”

Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is seeking a qualified independent consultant with relevant expertise to conduct training and mentorship in the Dutch language for the Granman of the Trio Indigenous People over 8 months.

For more information see: RFP Training & Mentorschap in Nederlandse Taal Granman Trio Inheemsen_extended (26022025) 

Applications should be sent, in Dutch, to procurementsr@conservation.org on or before March 9, 2025, by 11 PM. Please specify “Consultant Training & Mentorship in the Dutch Language for Granman of the Trio Indigenous People + Your Name” in the subject line.



Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is seeking a qualified independent consultant with the relevant expertise to execute an assignment aimed at improving agricultural practices and food security in the community of Alalapadu, for a period of 9.5 months.

RFP Improvement of Agriculture Techniques and Food Security for Alalapadu_extended

For more information see TOR:Improve Agricultural Techniques and Food Security for Alalapadu

Applications should be sent, in Dutch or English, to procurementsr@conservation.org on or before January 22, 2025, by 4 PM. Please specify “Consultant Improvement of Agriculture Techniques and Food Security for Alalapadu + Your Name” in the subject line.


 Individual Consultancy:


Conservation International is looking for a consultant to conduct a review of CI’s support to bioeconomy in the Amazon region (7 countries) over the past 15 years, documenting achievements, criteria for success and assessing their scaling potential. The consultancy is expected to last for a period of 3 months starting from October 2024 to December 2024. CI's teams operating in Amazon will provide some data and information for the analysis, the consultant should gather more information as needed.

For more information see TOR Tor-bioeconomy-assessment Amazonia

Interested consultants are invited to submit their technical and financial proposals, including CVs and relevant supporting documents, to the email <consultancies_ourfutureforests@conservation.org> 



Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is looking for a consultant to conduct an External Evaluation of the LACH Project (2021 – 2024) for 2 months ideally starting on September 17, 2024, and ending on November 20, 2024. 

For more information see RFP:  RFP External Evaluation LACH project 2021 - 2024

Applications must be submitted by September 10, at 11:59 PM to procurementsr@conservation.org in English. Please include "External Evaluation LACH project + Your Name" in the subject line.

Any questions or requests for clarification regarding the consultancy can be sent to the procurement email address of CI Suriname via procurementsr@conservation.org no later than September 6, 2024.



Conservation International is looking for a Peace and Conflict Sensitivity Manager. This person will be working collaboratively with other teams and managing day-to-day environmental peacebuilding program initiatives. This Manager provides strategic guidance to plan and implement new and existing conflict sensitivity and environmental peacebuilding efforts within CI, delivers technical assistance on the same topics within CI and beyond, and delivers the training needed to better address conflict in their work. The Manager works to ensure project results meet project standards and project deliverables are completed on time and within budget.

For further details click on the link for the TOR: MANAGER, PEACE AND CONFLICT SENSITIVITY

This position is based, Brazil (remote), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Suriname, Peru, Botswana, Liberia, Madagascar, or South Africa

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter by clicking on this link



Conservation International is looking for a Senior Manager, Negotiations and Natural Climate Solutions. The Senior Manager will support the program’s financial well-being by playing a role in identifying program funding sources and developing and managing funding relationships with partners and prospects. The Senior Manager will work with program and HQ staff on proposals and funding initiatives. 

For further details click on the link: SENIOR MANAGER, NEGOTIATIONS...: TOR + APPLICATION

This position is based in Bolivia, Brazil (remote), Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru, or Suriname

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter.


Grants Manager

Conservation International is looking for a Grant Manager. The Grants Manager will support the Grants and Contracts Unit to ensure that grants management systems meet program needs and continuously work to refine systems to reduce organizational inefficiencies. In this role the Grants Manager will identify organizational system needs, training needs, and guidance tools that will support user adoption.

For further details click on the link: GRANT MANAGER _ Information and Application

This position is based in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico, Peru or Suriname. 

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter.



Conservation International is looking for a Chief of Party for the Americas Bioeconomy Project. The Chief of Party plays a key role in overseeing major projects worth millions of dollars, which involve cooperation between multiple countries or organizations. They lead and manage these projects, ensuring that everyone involved is working together towards shared goals as outlined in the donor agreement. This involves providing leadership, technical guidance, and coordination to various stakeholders.

For further details click on the link: CHIEF OF PARTY_ Information and Application

This position is based in Suriname, Ecuador, Guyana or Brazil

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter.

Application Deadline: April 23, 2024 (11:49 PM EST)




Conservation International is looking for a Deputy Chief of Party for the Americas Bioeconomy Project. The Deputy Chief of Party will provide technical and programmatic support and oversight for several small or larger, more complex projects. The person will supervise all aspects of the project's life cycle including project planning, work plans, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting on deliverables and project status.

For further details click on the link: DEPUTY CHIEF OF PARTY_ Information and Application

This position is based in Suriname, Ecuador, Guyana or Brazil

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter.

Application Deadline: April 23, 2024 (11:49 PM EST)




Conservation International is looking for a Senior Coordinator, Carbon Markets and Climate Policy. The Senior Coordinator, Carbon Markets and Climate Policy provides administrative, research, and project support to the Global Policy and Government Affairs division, in relation to Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and carbon markets policy work. The Senior Coordinator is responsible for knowledge management, workflow, project monitoring and reporting.

For further details click on the link: SENIOR COORDINATOR_ Information and Application

This position is based in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Mexico or Suriname

To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter.

Application Deadline: April 23, 2024 (11:49 PM EST





Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is looking for a consultant for a Business plan for Foundation Kana Tepu for a period of 7 months ideally starting on March 15, 2024, and ending on October 18, 2024.

For more information see RFP: RFP_Business Plan for Foundation Kana Tepu_Extended

Applications should be sent in Dutch or English, to procurementsr@conservation.org ultimately February 29th, 2024, at 4 PM local time. Please specify “Consultant Business plan for Foundation Kana Tepu + Your Name” in the subject line.

Questions and/or clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than February 27, 2024, 12.00 pm to procurementsr@conservation.org.




Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is looking for a consultant for a Business plan for Foundation Kana Tepu for a period of 7 months ideally starting on March 1, 2024, and ending on October 1, 2024.

For more information see RFP:  RFP_Business Plan for Foundation Kana Tepu

Applications should be sent in Dutch or English, to procurementsr@conservation.org ultimately February 22nd, 2024, at 4 PM local time. Please specify “Consultant Business plan for Foundation Kana Tepu + Your Name” in the subject line.

Questions and/or clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than February 16, 2024, 12.00 pm to procurementsr@conservation.org.



Conservation International Suriname is currently looking for a consultant to conduct a socio-economic assessment in Alalapadu within a period of 5months.



Applications should be sent, in Dutch or English, to procurementsr@conservation.org on or before December 05, 2023, by 4 PM. Please specify “Consultant Socio-economic Assessment Alalapadu + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include: 

A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the requirements and criteria listed in the “requirements” and “selection criteria” sections of the RFP. 

 Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than December 04, 2023, 10.00am to procurementsr@conservation.org.



CONSULTANCY – Basic First Aid, Safety and Health Training

Conservation International Suriname is momenteel opzoek naar een Basic First Aid, Safety and Health Training expert om een aangepast trainingsprogramma voor basis EHBO, veiligheid en gezondheidsprotocollen te ontwikkelen en te implementeren in Brownsweg, specifiek gericht op mensen die zowel in het bos (Brownsberg) als in de ecotoerisme sector werken.

For more information see RFP:  TOR_Basic First Aid, Safety and Health training


Inschrijvingen moeten vóór 3 november 2023, om 23:59 uur, worden verzonden naar procurementsr@conservation.org in het Engels of Nederlands. Geef in het onderwerp " Basic First Aid/Safety and Health Consultant + Uw Naam" aan.



Conservation International Suriname is currently looking for a Business & Cooperative Development Expert to develop and deliver individual, tailor-made business development training courses with a focus on the development of ecotourism and non-wood products from the forest (NTFP's) for Brownsweg and Matawai.

For more information see RFP:  ToR Business & Cooperative Development Expert


Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than August 11, 2023, to the Project Lead; Ms. L. Trustfull by e-mail at  procurementsr@conservation.org   

Please check out this file: Questions and answers

Applications should be sent, in English or Dutch, to procurement-SR@conservation.org no later than August 16, 2023, by 23:59 PM. 




Conservation International Suriname is currently looking for geographic information system specialist to update the current 2D map of Brownsberg Nature Park by gathering satellite and field data from the Brownsberg and its surroundings. The resulting information, combined with input from stakeholders, will be used to produce a final 2D map.

For more information see RFP:  RFP_Geographic Information System Specialist


Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than July 31st, 2023, to the Project Lead; Ms. L. Trustfull by e-mail at ltrustfull@conservation.org

Take a look at the Q&A's:  Q&A Regarding GIS Consultancy 

Applications should be sent, in English or Dutch, to ci-suriname@conservation.org no later than August 2nd, 2023, by 23:59 PM. 



Manager Human Resources (HR)

Conservation International Suriname is looking for a Human Resources Manager (HR). The HR manager oversees the human resources function in CI Suriname, partnering with the management team in the strategic planning and execution of initiatives and programs and ensuring that the program has the appropriate structure, culture and talent to deliver effectively on programmatic needs.

For more information: POSITION DESCRIPTION (taleo.net)


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by August 6th, 2023.


This assignment aims to hire a contractor who can provide all preparatory and executive work for the renovation of the Administration office in Akanari, Bigi Poika, for 6(six) months starting in July 2023

For more information: ToR_Contractor Renovation Community House Bigi Poika


To apply for this assignment, please submit your letter at the latest by June 30th, 2023, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or email to xkarijodinomo@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for Contractor Bigi Poika”. Letters may be written in Dutch.


Field Technician (FT)

Conservation International Suriname is looking for a Field Technician. The Field Technician (FT) will support the implementation of the wildlife component of the Amazonia Verde project, specifically in Kwamalasemutu for a pilot project aiming to recover overhunted wildlife.

For more information: Job description Office Field Technician WLM- June 2023


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by June 12th, 2023, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for FT WLM”


Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Coordinator

CI Suriname is looking for a Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Manager. The Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) Coordinator will be responsible for ongoing project monitoring and reporting of project activities to ensure donor compliance and satisfaction.

For more information: Job description MER Coordinator - May 2023


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by May 15, 2023, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or send an email to ci-suriname@conservation.org - Subject “Applying for MER Coordinator”


Consultancy – Mentor_3rd Edition Indigenous Women Fellowship

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant (Mentor) for the 3rd Edition of the Indigenous Women Fellowship Program to execute project activities for a period of 12 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP for Mentor_3rd edition Indigenous Women Fellowship


Applications should be sent, in Dutch or English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org attn. to Ms. Arifiantie Landburg, by May 10, 2023. Please specify “Mentor 3rd Edition Indigenous Women Fellowship + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:
(i) A resume and cover letter of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP.

Please do not send information not requested (e.g., copies of diplomas and certificates). Only applicants providing all information requested, who possess all the essential skills and competencies, and who are selected for an interview will be contacted.

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed, no later than May 10, 2023, 4 PM, to Ms. Arifiantie Landburg (Technical Officer TWTIS) by e-mail: alandburg@conservation.org.



Consultancy: “Food Safety & Hygiene Training for Tuhka Enterprise Alalapadu”

Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is looking for a consultant for Food Safety & Hygiene training for the Tuhka Enterprise in Alalapadu, for a period of 3 months.

For more information see RFP: Food Safety and Hygiene training

Applications should be sent, in Dutch or English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before February 14, 2023, by 4 PM. Please specify “Consultant Food Safety & Hygiene + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include the following:

A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the requirements and criteria listed in the “requirements” and “selection criteria” sections of the RFP.

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than February 14, 2023, to the Senior Technical Coordinator; Mr. Shaniel Gena by e-mail: sgena@conservation.org.


Consultancy: “Social Safeguards Training Alalapadu”

Conservation International Suriname (CIS) is looking for a consultant for Social Safeguards training for the youth in Alalapadu, for a period of 3 months.

For more information see RFP: Training Social Safeguards Alalapadu

Applications should be sent, in Dutch or English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before February 14, 2023, by 4 PM. Please specify “Consultant Social Safeguards Training + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include the following:

A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the requirements and criteria listed in the “requirements” and “selection criteria” sections of the RFP.

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than February 14, 2023, to the Senior Technical Coordinator; Mr. Shaniel Gena by e-mail: sgena@conservation.org.



Consultancy: Training in Sustainable Harvesting of fish in Tepu

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant to provide  a training in “Sustainable harvesting of ornamental fish” for a period of 5,5 months.

For more information see RFP: Training in Sustainable harvesting of fish in Tepu

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than December 22, 2022, to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.

VACANCY - Executive Director

CI Suriname is looking for an Executive Director. The Executive Director of Conservation International Suriname (CIS) ensures the strategic, technical, financial, and operational integrity of CI’s Suriname program. The Executive Director leads a team of national staff and is the legal representative of CI in the country. The Executive Director oversees and coordinates all work funded and implemented in the country by CI. The Executive Director reports to the Senior Vice President of the Americas Field Division and is a member of the Americas Field Division Management Team (CMT).

For more information: Job description - Executive Director for CI-Suriname


To apply for this position, please click the Job description - Executive Director for CI-Suriname and apply online, no later than December 31st, 2022



VACANCY - Project Director

CI Suriname is looking for a Project Director who will provide overall leadership management and general technical direction to all projects within the Communities Forest and Conservation program.

For more information: TOR Project Director - Communities Forest and Conservation Program


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by November 14, 2022, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo, or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for PD”


VACANCY - Office Assistant

CI Suriname is looking for an Office Assistant who will handle organizational and clerical support tasks.

For more information: TOR - Office Assistant - October 2022


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by November 10, 2022, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo, or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for OA”



Consultancy: Improve Agriculture and Food Security for Tepu

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant to Improve Agriculture and Food Security for Tepu to execute pilot project activities for a period of at least 6 months.

For more information see RFP:  RFP Improve Agriculture and Food Security for Tepu

Application letters can be sent, in Dutch or English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before November 9, 2022, by 4 PM. Please specify “Improve Agricultural and Food Security for Tepu consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. 

Questions and clarifications (in Dutch if needed) regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than November 7, 2022, to the Technical Manager: Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.


TRAINER in Reduced-Impact Logging for Climate Change Mitigation

Conservation International is searching for a trainer to enhance understanding of the theories, practices, and elements of sustainable forest management and RIL harvesting code of practices among forest managers, forest supervisors and operators.

Link to Complete TOR:  Trainer in Reduced Impact logging for Climate Change Mitigation


Please send your resume with motivation letter no later than the 14th of October 2022 to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or via email to ci-suriname@conservation.org (subject “Applying for Trainer CSF”).


Consultancy: Dutch Language Training

For more information see RFP: RFP Dutch Language Training

Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org , by August 29th, 2022. Please specify “Dutch Language Training + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:
(i) A resume and cover letter of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP.


The full period of 4 months: In-Field Remote Guardian Installer

Rainforest Connection (RFCx) is a non-profit tech startup at the edge of conservation technology. We build and deploy scalable, open-source solutions that can halt illegal logging and poaching in forests- simultaneously enabling biodiversity measurement and monitoring. The RFCx in-Field Remote Guardian Installer position is for an individual with a strong work ethic who can work independently, enjoys learning new skills and is accustomed to working outdoors under difficult weather conditions.

For more information: RFP- In-Field Remote Guardian- August 2022


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on/ or before August 10, 2022, by 4 PM (SR Time). Please specify “In-field Guardian Installer + Your Name” in the subject line. Only applicants providing all information requested, who possess all the essential skills and competencies, are selected to be interviewed and will be contacted.


Consultancy: Improve Agricultural and Food Security for Tepu

For more information see RFP:  RFP Improve Agricultural and Food Security for Tepu

Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before 22 August 2022 by 4 PM. Please specify “Improve Agricultural and Food Security for Tepu consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:
(i) A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP;
(ii) A minimum of five (5) years of experience working in the agricultural sector
Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than 22 August 2022 to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.


Full time - Chief of Party (CoP) of Suriname´s Climate Smart Forestry Program

CI Suriname is looking for a Chief of Party who has the ability to engage and collaborate effectively and establish strong working relationships with local communities (IPLCs), senior representatives of national and local government, the private sector and civil society - Demonstrated skills building and maintaining relationships with governments, donors, stakeholders, local organizations, and partners.

For more information: Terms of Reference - Chief of Party - July 2022


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by July 31, 2022, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for CoP”



Consultancy: Capacity Building of the Foundation in Tepu

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant for the Capacity Building of the Foundation in Tepu to execute project activities for a period of 3 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP Capacity Building Training - Foundation Pelelu Tepu

Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before July 26, 2022, by 4 PM. Please specify “Capacity Building of the Foundation in Tepu consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:
(i) A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP;
(ii) A minimum of five (5) years experience in training local communities, especially community development enterprises in Suriname;
Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than July 26, 2022, to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.


Consultancy: Community Development Training

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant for a Community Development Training in Alalapadu to execute project activities for a period of 2.5 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP Community Development Training


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before June 27th,2022 by 4 PM. Please specify “Community Development Training consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:

(i) A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP;
(ii) A minimum of five (5) years of experience in training local communities, especially community development enterprises in Suriname;


Consultancy: Oil Production and Hygiene Refresher Training

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant for an Oil Production and Hygiene Refresher Training in Alalapadu to execute project activities for a period of 2 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP Oil Production and Hygiene Refresher training


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before 08 June 2022 by 4 PM. Please specify “Oil Production and Hygiene Refresher Training consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:

(i) A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP;

(ii) A minimum of three (3) years experience in NTFP’s processing and in training local communities, especially community development enterprises in Suriname;

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than 08 June 2022 to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.


Full time - Senior Technical Coordinator

CI Suriname is looking for a Sr. Technical Coordinator who will perform various coordinating tasks and will work closely with the Technical Manager and the Operations Coordinator to prepare and draft Terms of Reference, comprehensive action plans, including resources, timeframes, and budgets for projects.

For more information: TOR - Senior Technical Coordinator


To apply for this position, please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by June 12th, 2022, 4.00 pm, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo, or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org – Subject “Applying for Sr TC TWTIS”



Consultancy – Capacity Building and Project Management Training

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant for a Capacity Building and Project Management Training in Alalapadu to execute project activities for a period of 3 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP Capacity Building and Project Management


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org until May 26th, 2022 by 4 PM. Please specify “Capacity Building and Project Management Training consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:
(i) A resume of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP;
(ii) A minimum of five (5) years experience in training local communities, especially community development enterprises in Suriname;

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than May 26th, 2022 to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.






Consultancy – 2nd Edition Indigenous Women Fellowship Mentor

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant (Mentor) for the 2nd Edition of the Indigenous Women Fellowship Program to execute project activities for a period of 13 months.

For more information see RFP: RFP 2nd edition Indigenous Women Fellowship Mentor


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org , by May 17, 2022. Please specify “2nd edition Indigenous Women Fellowship Mentor + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include:

(i) A resume and cover letter of the applicant providing detailed information on the criteria listed in the “selection criteria” section of the RFP.

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than May 17, 2022 to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.





Full Time: HR - Assistant

CI Suriname is looking for an HR - assistant, full-time position, to conduct activities as support to the HR - Manager.

For more information: TOR_HR-Assistant


To apply for this position please submit a resume and cover letter at the latest by April 15th, 2022, to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo or email to ci-suriname@conservation.org (Subject “Applying for HR - Assistant”)



Consultancy – On the job Training Sustainable Harvesting Ornamental Fish (Part 2)

Conservation International Suriname (CI Suriname) is looking for a consultant to do the reporting for an On the job Training in Sustainable Harvesting of Ornamental Fish in Tepu.

For more information see RFP: RFP On the job training Sustainable Harvesting of Fish_Part 2


Applications should be sent, in English, to ci-suriname@conservation.org on or before April 15, 2022 by 4 PM. Please specify “On the job Training Sustainable Harvesting Ornamental Fish in Tepu (part 2) consultant + Your Name” in the subject line. Applications should include: (i) A resume and cover letter of the applicant; (ii) Budget according to the activities, deliverables and estimated timeline.

Questions and clarifications regarding the consultancy may be addressed no later than April 15, 2022 to the Technical Manager; Ms. Erlyn Power by e-mail: epower@conservation.org.



Environmental & Social Safeguards

Conservation International Suriname is looking for a consultant to develop Environmental & Social Safeguards. 

See the link for the ToR: ToR Consultancy-Environmental-Social-Safeguards


Please send your resume with a motivation letter no later than the 11th of April 2022 to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo, or via email to ci-suriname@conservation.org (subject “Applying for Safeguards CSF”). 

Applications should include:

  • A resume/CV of the applicant(s) providing detailed information on the criteria listed in this ToR
  • An analysis of and comments on the Terms of Reference, including a proposed chronogram of activities
  • A detailed budget/financial proposal, which specifies the daily rate as well as other costs.
  • A sample of previous relevant safeguard deliverable/s (e.g., ESMP, SEP, GMP, AGM)

Please do not send information not requested (e.g., copies of diplomas and certificates). Only applicants providing all information requested, who possess all the essential skills and competencies, and are selected for an interview will be contacted.

Environmental & Social Safeguards

Conservation International Suriname is looking for a consultant to develop Environmental & Social Safeguards. 

See the link for the ToR: ToR Consultancy-Environmental-Social-Safeguards


Please send your resume with a motivation letter no later than the 11th of April 2022 to CI Suriname, Kromme Elleboogstraat 20, Paramaribo, or via email to ci-suriname@conservation.org (subject “Applying for Safeguards CSF”). 

Applications should include:

  • A resume/CV of the applicant(s) providing detailed information on the criteria listed in this ToR
  • An analysis of and comments on the Terms of Reference, including a proposed chronogram of activities
  • A detailed budget/financial proposal, which specifies the daily rate as well as other costs.
  • A sample of previous relevant safeguard deliverable/s (e.g., ESMP, SEP, GMP, AGM)

Please do not send information not requested (e.g., copies of diplomas and certificates). Only applicants providing all information requested, who possess all the essential skills and competencies, and are selected for an interview will be contacted.

Request for Quotations


Conservation International Suriname (CIS), in collaboration with the Investment Fund Foundation Matawai (MIF) and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), has submitted the Matawai Sustainable Landscape Management Program project to the third Twinning Facility Suriname – Netherlands 2018-2021 (UTSN). As part of establishing a conservation agreement with the local community of  Matawai, more specifically cassava producers from the Boslanti area, the aim of the project is to establish (1) sustainable use of agricultural lands/plots in the Boslanti area, (2) improved livelihood practices and, (3) storage of produce for the locals. Within this context, CIS is procuring equipment and therefore CIS invites all eligible suppliers to provide their best offer for this solicitation by the due date stated in part 2 below. 

1. Solar Panel Production

2. Solar Panel Waterinstallation

Submission of Quotations       

  1. Deadline. All quotations are due on March 4, 2022, by no later than 4 PM (GMT-3) Late submissions will not be accepted. Quotations should be sent by email, in PDF format, to xkarijodinomo@conservation.org and rjalimsingh@conservation.org The subject line of the email must reference the RFQ No. CI-112496 of this solicitation.  
  2. Validity of bid. 14 days from the submission deadline.
  3. Clarifications. Requests for clarification to this RFQ must be made in writing via e-mail to: xkarijodinomo@conservation.org and rjalimsingh@conservation.org no later than 4 PM (GMT-3) March 4, 2022. 

Call for Proposals

Live Interpreters


For over thirty years, Conservation International has worked to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Combining fieldwork with innovations in science, policy, and finance, we’ve helped protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries.

Today, with offices in more than two dozen countries and a worldwide network of thousands of partners, our reach is truly global. In order to support these global and regional efforts, CI invites firms to participate in this competitive solicitation for Live Interpreters.

See link for the call for proposal: Live Interpreters


Proposals & Questions shall be submitted electronically to the following email address, AmericasCallforProposals@conservation.org on or before January 28, 2022. Offerors are responsible to ensure their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late offers may not be considered.

Call for Proposals

Translation Services Provider


For over thirty years, Conservation International has worked to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Combining fieldwork with innovations in science, policy, and finance, we’ve helped protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries.

Today, with offices in more than two dozen countries and a worldwide network of thousands of partners, our reach is truly global. In order to support these global and regional efforts, CI invites firms to participate in this competitive solicitation for Translation Services Providers.

See link for the call for proposal: Translation Services Provider


Proposals & Questions shall be submitted electronically to the following email address, AmericasCallforProposals@conservation.org on or before January 28, 2022. Offerors are responsible to ensure their offers are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. Late offers may not be considered.