Guidelines NBCS
The National Blue Carbon Strategy of Costa Rica (NBCS) is a pioneering political instrument. The first of its kind, it establishes a framework integrating actions related to the management, conservation, and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems (BCE) and wetlands with carbon capture potential to promote a model that benefits communities directly dependent on the ecosystem services BCEs provide.
National Blue Carbon Strategy
Leading tool in Costa Rica for the effective management of coastal ecosystems
Chira Island: mangroves and new development alternatives (extended version)
Mangrove restoration
We set out to execute the most ambitious mangrove restoration project in Costa Rica's history, laying the groundwork to restore part of its territory. Together with @tierrapura8687 and the @CATIEcanal, we supported the @aventurasinac in the restoration of +300 hectares of mangrove in the Puntarenas Estuary Wetlandand the Cipancí National Wildlife Refuge. Here we tell you how we did it!
Blue Carbon
Blue carbon is the name given to the carbon stored in the world's oceans and coastal ecosystems. It plays an essential role in regulating Earth's climate by helping to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. It also helps protect shorelines from erosion and helps maintain healthy ecosystems in coastal regions.
Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing - Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica