International Blue Carbon Institute
Scaling global blue carbon action through innovative research, capacity-building and collaboration to maximize climate impact.
About the IBCI
Coastal wetlands, comprising mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses, have an outsized role in climate change mitigation and adaptation. When protected or restored, these ecosystems sequester and store significant amounts of carbon, not just in the plants, but also in the sediments and soils trapped beneath them, a combination known as blue carbon. Additionally, these ecosystems are recognized for their significant value in nurturing ocean biodiversity and protecting coastal communities from storm surges, flooding, erosion, and rising sea levels.
The International Blue Carbon Institute (IBCI) is advancing the science and support systems needed to unlock the full potential of blue carbon to address climate change, protect biodiversity and support threatened coastal communities. Partnering with governments, scientists, organizations and local communities, the IBCI will develop and inform effective policy, finance and implementation strategies for blue carbon ecosystems.
Our role
Research and implementation
The IBCI serves as a crucial global hub for exchanging expertise, knowledge and learning in blue carbon research and implementation. It plays a vital role in effectively translating cutting-edge science into practical tools and methodologies that are harnessing the potential of blue carbon for climate action.
Over the past few decades, Conservation International has led the science and action on blue carbon in close collaboration with governments, research institutions, NGOs and coastal communities around the world.
Now, through the IBCI, Conservation International has expanded our work with various governments to integrate blue carbon into climate change mitigation policies and initiatives at international, regional and local levels.
In 2024, the IBCI established a fellowship program to advance blue carbon science, innovation and implementation solutions. The fellowship aims to build capacity to scale up solutions for global protection, restoration and conservation of blue carbon ecosystems.
A hub for blue carbon
The IBCI is based in Singapore with support from the Singapore Economic Development Board, Amazon and other funders. Being in this key location allows us to focus our efforts on supporting Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, home to over one-third of the world’s mangroves and more than 40 percent of the world’s seagrass. The most significant loss of mangroves has also occurred in this region, making it critical to protect this major source of blue carbon.
Additionally, coastal communities throughout the Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands are highly vulnerable to increasingly frequent and severe storms and sea level rise. Blue carbon ecosystems can fortify communities against climate effects while providing fresh water, supporting biodiversity and other natural benefits.
By forging new partnerships and leveraging its expertise, the IBCI is also expanding its reach to support the global implementation of blue carbon initiatives in regions such as the Caribbean, Africa, and Latin America.
Our plan
Central to all IBCI programs and activities is the commitment to nurturing future generations of blue carbon scientists, innovators, policy makers, and practitioners. This involves providing access to funding, networking opportunities, training, and mentorship. The IBCI accelerates global blue carbon application through research, tool development, capacity-building, and a global network of practitioners across three work pillars:
Provide global leadership in the translation of cutting-edge science into tools and methodologies for application of blue carbon for climate mitigation and adaptation.
Build multi-disciplinary capacity in the Asia-Pacific region and globally to research, design, implement and verify high-quality blue carbon programs and projects.
Develop a global knowledge and resource hub for the exchange of blue carbon expertise, knowledge and learning.